January 2021 Newsletter

To all Mooring Licence Holders

  • Changes in Personnel at Percuil River Moorings Limited

Brian Chenoweth stood down as a Director after many years’ service to the Company and we thank him for all his considerable contributions over many years.  Caroline Coldwell (who had been working with the board in a co-opted role) and Charlie Pridmore were both voted onto the Board at the AGM in December.

  • Report on the 2020 season

After a slow start to the season as a result of Covid-19 we had a quiet season with no major security issues and only a few incidents of boats coming into contact.

Licensees are reminded of the requirement to maintain the numbering on their buoys at all times to enable rapid identification.

The mooring moves undertaken recently have assisted in addressing areas of particular mooring proximity and we continue to make adjustments where possible and in the light of any proximity issues identified to us.

  • If you have a problem with your mooring

If you have concerns about the location of your mooring in relation to its neighbours, you should discuss this with your mooring contractor in the first instance and also inform us.

  • Strops

Mooring strops should be kept as short as possible to limit swinging circles with no more than 12-18 inches of spare length when the strop is pulled up vertically from the buoy.  The strop may be lengthened by up to 12 inches for the deeper water moorings in exposed areas.  Best practice requires that the bottom end of any rope strops should be above the water line, both to avoid contact with the riser and so they can be regularly inspected by the user.  Rope strops must be checked regularly for chafe or other damage to avoid your boat coming adrift.  Boats with bow-eyes should have chain, rather than rope, to the bow-eye and a supplementary strop onto the deck.

  • Propeller Protection

There is no longer a mandatory requirement for protection of exposed propellers although such protection remains recommended as good practice.  The Board recognises the concerns of some Licensees and retains the right to require a Licensee to fit propeller protection where the owner of a neighbouring boat notifies the Company (by email) of a justified concern of damage.

  • Drogues

Some boats (and typically high-sided, shallow draft motorboats) on moorings are particularly susceptible to swinging differently to adjacent deep keeled craft.  In some cases, this may lead to increased proximity of boats and contact between boats.  Where this is the case, we require such boats to deploy a sea anchor (drogue) at all times when on the mooring in order to moderate this tendency to swing on the mooring.

  • Mooring Licence Conditions

The Mooring Licence Conditions have been slightly amended to address the issues above and we would recommend that all licensees re-familiarise themselves with the requirements of these.  https://percuilriver.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Licence_Conditions_2020_2021.pdf

  • 2021 Licence Application and Mooring Fee

The AGM approved an increase to the mooring fee at £6.30 per foot of authorised length.

We continue to use email as our primary means of communication and your Mooring Licence Application Form/Invoice will arrive by email.  We will again not be sending out paper copies of your licence and your Licence Application Invoice; once paid; will form your licence for 2021.

Payment of licence fees must be made by 16th May to avoid the late payment surcharge.  Payment by BACS is required as set out on the Mooring Licence Application Form/Invoice.  If you have changed email address or would prefer us to use a different one, please let us know, as well as providing any other new or changed contact details.

It is important that you provide correct information about the boat using your mooring: a £30 admin fee is charged to reissue a mooring licence if the boat on the mooring is not the one authorised on the mooring licence.  Please inform us by email of any changes during the season: no fee charged if we are informed in advance of a change of boat.

  • Subletting of Moorings

It is essential that licensees register all sublet moorings.  A renewal sublicence form will be emailed to those licensees who gave us details of their sublicence arrangement last year, and we would ask for these forms to be returned to us as soon as a sublet has been arranged indicating whether the details remain the same or are to be changed.

If you are subletting as a new arrangement, please ask us for a sublicence application form or download it from https://percuilriver.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/SUBLICENCE-APPLICATION-2021-season.pdf

As in previous years, the admin charge of £30 will be waived for the first issue of a sublicence provided the application is made in time for a sublicence to be issued in advance of the boat using the mooring.  Applications made later than this will be charged the usual administration fee.

  • Returned Moorings

We need to know not later than 1st March 2021 if you intend to return your mooring this year.  Failure to notify by this date leaves the licensee liable for the annual licence fee.

We are just beginning to look at new mooring allocations for 2021 and any early notification of the return of moorings for this year would be much appreciated.


If you see anything on the river that gives you cause for concern, please report it to the Company or to the Harbour Master.


For all contact with the Company please use Email contact@percuilriver.co.uk


We wish you an enjoyable season on the water in 2021.