April 2025 Newsletter
March 2025 Newsletter
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c/o The Harbour Office • The Quay • St Mawes • Truro • Cornwall • TR2 5AG
Email: contact@percuilriver.co.uk
Percuil River Moorings Limited Newsletter April 2025
To all Mooring Licence Holders
We are pleased to advise that following the retirement in rotation of Mike Croft as a Licensee Elected Member of Percuil River Moorings Limited Martin Baylis was duly nominated to be a new Licensee Elected Member. Following nomination Martin is deemed elected and we are delighted to welcome him to Percuil River Moorings Limited.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank Mike Croft for his many years of Membership of Percuil River Moorings Limited and his very active role in the company.
We would like to remind all Licensees that unlike in previous years their Licence Fee is due for payment before 16th April. We regret that any fees not paid by this time will be subject to a 5% surcharge as set out in the Licence Conditions.
“4) i) v) The Licence fee shall be paid in full before the 16 April each year. Any outstanding fees after this date will incur a surcharge of 5%. Continued non-payment of licence fees may result in further financial penalties being imposed or the Licence being offered elsewhere.”
We thank all those who have already paid their Licence Fees.
With the boating season rapidly approaching, we request that all Licensees ensure that their moorings are serviced by an Approved Mooring Contractor – and the invoice settled – before placing a boat on the mooring.
Please be aware that many boat insurance policies require that moorings are professionally serviced. The mooring includes any fixed strop between the boat (or pick up buoy) and mooring buoy but that (particularly where a rope strop is used) this strop is often NOT covered by your Approved Mooring Contractor. PRML recommends that you check your insurance policy and the scope of your AMC’s service regime to avoid the risk of this responsibility falling between the cracks.
If you are subletting your mooring this year, please can you complete and return a sublicence form (even if this is the same arrangement in 2024). You are reminded that there is a £30 administration fee that is waived IF the form is received BEFORE the boat is placed on the mooring.
If you see anything on the river that gives you cause for concern, please report it to the Company or to the St Mawes Harbour Master.
For all contact with the Company please use Email contact@percuilriver.co.uk
We wish you an enjoyable season on the water in 2025.
Yours sincerely,

Jim Wood

For all contact with the company please email contact@percuilriver.co.uk