May 2020 Newsletter
May 2020 Newsletter
The Directors of Percuil River Moorings Limited are delighted at the recent news that the restrictions on recreational boating have been lifted in the recent Government Guidelines. This was reflected in the recent Notice to Mariners (14 of 2020) issued by the Falmouth Harbour Commissioners:
“All forms of water sports practiced on open waterways, including sailing, windsurfing, canoeing, rowing, kayaking, surfing, paddle-boarding and the use of privately-owned motorised craft (in line with the guidance issued by the relevant navigation authority) are allowed.”
On the basis of this, Percuil River Moorings may now be used where the Licence Conditions have been satisfied. We would however advise that all licensees confirm any access arrangements to the water with regard to boatyards and slipways etc. to ensure that their use is permitted and that all requirements for social distancing are complied with.
Having considered the limited loss of access to moorings, the Directors have concluded that the full mooring licence fees remain applicable for this season as set out in the invoices sent out earlier in the year. We thank all those who have already paid their licence fees in advance of the 16th May due date and request that those licensees who have not yet made payment do so by 1st June 2020.
We hope that this will be the beginning of a more normal summer season but ask all users of the Percuil to respect all relevant Government or other Authority (such as Harbourmasters) restrictions related to Covid-19 both currently in place or that may be brought in in the future.
We hope you are all able to stay safe and wish you well for the 2020 season.